The Best Weight Loss: Tips for the New Year & Beyond


The best weight loss tips for the new year & beyond.

The days are short.

And the weather is cold.

Lockdown measures may be in place where you live.

If you need to lose some weight, this year may be harder than others.

Luckily, there are many things we can do to help lose excess weight and/or prevent weight gain.

The best weight loss: How Not To Diet Dr.Michael Greger
The best weight loss: How Not To Diet Dr.Michael Greger

In this article you’ll find the top tips you need for weight management, all taken from Dr. Michael Greger’s recent book How not to Diet.

This book is literally the ultimate weight loss guide and is rooted in evidence-based science.

First and foremost, the easiest and healthiest way to be manage your weight is to follow a whole foods plant-based diet (link to 1st article “Healthy Lifestyle”).

Once you’ve mastered that, you can consider the following weight loss accelerators.

The Best Weight Loss Tips

At each meal
Drink Water Every Day
Drink Water Every Day
  1. Preload with water – drink water before your meal
  2. Preload with low calorie density foods – e.g., fruit before a meal
  3. Incorporate vinegar – 2 teaspoons with each meal: never alone, always in food/water
  4. Enjoy undistracted meals – no screens
  5. Give yourself at least 20 minutes to eat
Every day
  1. Stay hydrated
  2. De-flour your diet – e.g., prefer your whole grains in the form of intact grains rather than with breads or other foods made from whole grain flours
  3. Front-load your calories; eat your largest meal earlier in the day
  4. Time-restrict your eating to a certain daytime window (e.g.,a 12-hour window would be between 7 AM and 7 PM)
  5. Optimize exercise timing – aim for 90 min of moderate activity per day (e.g., brisk walking) and preferably in a fasted state, or at least 6 hours after your last meal
  6. Weigh yourself regularly – e.g.,1-2x per day
  7. Complete your “implementation intentions” – strategies to achieve your goals
    • E.g., “If X…then Y”
    • “If I get very hungry after dinner, I will eat an apple.” VS. “I will do my best not to eat after 7 pm.”
  8. Take daily “doses” of:
    • Ground black cumin (çörek otu) (¼ teaspoon)
    • Garlic powder (¼ teaspoon)
    • Ground ginger (1 teaspoon) or cayenne pepper (½ teaspoon)
    • Nutritional yeast (2 teaspoons)
    • Cumin (½ teaspoon twice per day)
    • Green tea between meals (3 cups/day)
Every night
  1. Fast after 7 PM
  2. Get sufficient sleep (aim for 7-9 hours)

For more information on these proven strategies, I recommend reading Dr. Greger’s book or of course you can get in touch with me!

Happy New Year – let’s hope 2023 is better for all of us!

You can read other articles by Didem Varol Preventing & Reversing Type2 Diabetes: 3 Simple Steps.

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