Save The Planet: How your fork can save the planet


Save the planet at earth day 2021.

As Earth Day 2021 is fast approaching, we may ask ourselves what we can possibly do as individuals to

address the current environmental crisis that threatens life as we know it.

One easy solution: look no further than your plate. the-secrets-to-aging-gracefullytop-3-healthy-lifestyle-habits

The research is indisputable: meat and dairy production are contributing to the climate crisis.

You can literally help save the planet with every bite when you favor plant-based foods

such as vegetables,

fruits, whole grains, beans, and nuts & seeds.

The science

A report published in The Lancet in 2019 concluded that a shift towards plant-based foods and away from

animal products is essential for the health of our planet.

It’s simple math.

When you eat a diet higher in plant-based foods and lower in animal-based foods, you reduce the negative

impact of food on the environment.

Save The Planet Fact check (1)

Save the planet fact check
Save the planet fact check
  • Some estimates report that livestock is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than the emissions from all transportation sources combined.
  • The livestock sector is the single largest user of land.

Given how much land it takes to grow food to feed livestock, meat production is

a leading cause of deforestation.

  • Approximately one third of the worlds’ water consumption goes toward animal agriculture.

Livestock is also a major source of water pollution, releasing organic matter, pathogens,

and drug residues into

the world’s waterways.

Save The Planet The action you can take

In contrast, vegan and vegetarian diets have been associated with the least environmental impact.

Diet labels in and of themselves don’t mean much; it’s our day-to-day decisions that matter the most.

Even if you aren’t vegan or vegetarian, you can still have a positive effect on the environment by reducing your

intake of all animal products.

Every decision, every meal, and every bite counts.

By favoring more plant-based foods, not only will you reduce your impact on the environment,

but you will also

improve your ownhealth.

Unhealthy diets, those that are high in animal-based products and processed foods,

now pose a greater risk to

our health than unsafe sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined.

Our food is literally killing us and the planet.

In fact, look no further than the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite warnings from the World Health Organization and the Centres for Disease Control  regarding emerging

infectious diseases from animals, irresponsible industrialized animal farming practices continue to threaten public health.

Factory farms, wet markets and the like are perfect breeding grounds for pandemics.

COVID-19 may simply be a dress rehearsal; far deadlier illnesses await if systems do not change.

Bottom line

So how do you get started?

Some examples include swapping your beef for beans and your cow’s milk for soy milk,

and eating as close to Nature as possible.

For more information, take a look at the Power Plate

Shifting to more plant-based foods represents a win-win-win solution. It’s good for human health.

It’s good for the environment.

And it’s good for the animals.

Reference for “Fact Check”(1)

Shah,R and Davis, B. (2020). Nourish: The Definitive Plant-Based Nutrition Guide for Families

Boca Raton: Health Communications Inc.

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